Discover our delicious 150g honey bonbons, a genuine handcrafted delicacy from Belgium. Each candy is meticulously prepared using high-quality honey, offering incomparable natural sweetness. In addition to their exquisite taste, our honey sweets also offer health benefits. Honey is renowned for its antioxidant, soothing and nourishing properties. Treat yourself to a sweet break while enjoying the many benefits of Belgian honey. Enjoy the tasty, artisanal experience of our delicious honey sweets and take care of yourself.
Ingrédients / ingrediënten :
miel/honing (15%) - sucre/suiker - syrup de glucose/glucosestroop
Valeur nutritive moyenne / Gemiddelde voedingswaarde per/per 100g :
394 kcal (1675 kj) - lipids/vetten: 0 gr - of which saturated fatty acids/waarvan verzadigde vetzuren 0 gr - carbohydrates/koolhydraten 97 gr - of which sugars/waarvan suikers 58,2 gr - proteins/eiwitten 0 gr - salt/zout 0,01 gr.
We promote and defend the principles of urban beekeeping
VAT: 0729940539
Address: 267 Chaussée de Louvain 1030 Schaerbeek, Belgium
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