Mint green tea

In Asia, mint is a plant consumed daily by the population. Known for its medicinal use in phytotherapy, it is also widely used as an aromatic plant, with benefits such as :



In Asia, mint is a plant consumed daily by the population. Known for its medicinal use in phytotherapy, it is also widely used as an aromatic plant, with benefits such as :

- Take action against bad breath.
- Helps digestion, if you have a sensitive stomach.
- It will also benefit you if you suffer from a cold or cough.
- Reputed to act as an analgesic and antiseptic.
- It is a choice ally on the road to recovery from various illnesses.


Nothing beats a glass of tea with a spoonful of honey.
For your information, each tea pack contains 10 pyramid sachets. One pyramid sachet can be infused in the equivalent of 3 cups of tea.
Infusion time = 3 minutes
All our teas are 100% organically grown, in line with our principles.


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